Experiments necessitate many hard skills, such as physical understanding of the process, but also a bundle of other skills like know-how in instrumentation, hard- and software and strong teamwork capabilities.
It is to give these skills to students –classically difficult to obtain during studies– that the 4th European Physical Society Technology and Innovation Group's (TIG) Maker Event for Science, Technology and Interfaces was held at IdeaSquare.
Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of CERN, together with John Elkann, CEO of Exor, and other jury members, awarded the winners of the 2023 edition of Innovation 4 Change, an educational programme developed by the Collège des Ingénieurs (CDI) & CERN's innovation space, IdeaSquare.
The ATTRACT Showroom, a virtual platform which contains the most relevant information about each of the funded projects during phase 2, has just been launched.