CERN Accelerating science

Offering students hands-on skills in hardware and software around the domain of health at the 4th EPS TIG Hands-on Event for Science, Technology and Interfaces

4th EPS TIG Hands-on Event for Science, Technology and Interfaces

Experiments necessitate many hard skills, such as physical understanding of the process, but also a bundle of other skills like know-how in instrumentation, hard- and software and strong teamwork capabilities.

It is to give these skills to students –classically difficult to obtain during studies– that the 4th European Physical Society Technology and Innovation Group's (TIG) Maker Event for Science, Technology and Interfaces was held at IdeaSquare.

Innovation 4 Change 2023 edition

Amelie Schoenenwald (ESA Astronaut Reserve Group) with Fabiola Gianotti and John Elkann

Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of CERN, together with John Elkann, CEO of Exor, and other jury members, awarded the winners of the 2023 edition of Innovation 4 Change, an educational programme developed by the Collège des Ingénieurs (CDI) & CERN's innovation space, IdeaSquare. 

Discover how IdeaSquare will form part of the upcoming CERN Science Gateway offerings

The resources developed by IdeaSquare for the Crowd4SDG project will continue to drive innovation through future Science Gateway workshops and masterclasses.
Crowd4SDG participants The resources developed by IdeaSquare for the Crowd4SDG project will continue to drive innovation through future Science Gateway workshops and masterclasses.

Travelling to an exoplanet to learn how to save ours

What if humanity could start everything from scratch – what would we do differently?
Travelling to an exoplanet to learn how to think on planetary levels What if humanity could start everything from scratch – what would we do differently?

IdeaSquare opened its doors for the CERN Community: the start of a new network of people prototyping at CERN?

Last February, IdeaSquare, the innovation space at CERN, opened its doors for a two days event for the internal community. The event offered visitors a unique opportunity to discover our rapid prototyping and multipurpose facilities and to learn how they could get involved.
IdeaSquare Open Doors 2023 Last February, IdeaSquare, the innovation space at CERN, opened its doors for a two days event for the internal community. The event offered visitors a unique opportunity to discover our rapid prototyping and multipurpose facilities and to learn how they could get involved.

Demonstrating the potential of citizen science for monitoring the SDGs at the Crowd4SDG Final Conference

The culmination of three years of Crowd4SDG was showcased during the Final Conference on 17 March, which delivered the results of Crowd4SDG and demonstrated the potential of citizen science for monitoring the SDGs.
Crowd4SDG Final Conference: demonstrating the potential of citizen science for monitoring the SDGs The culmination of three years of Crowd4SDG was showcased during the Final Conference on 17 March, which delivered the results of Crowd4SDG and demonstrated the potential of citizen science for monitoring the SDGs.

ATTRACT showroom: meet the funded projects

ATTRACT showroom: meet the funded projects

The ATTRACT Showroom, a virtual platform which contains the most relevant information about each of the funded projects during phase 2, has just been launched.

Offering hospitals services directly at home – the focus of OPER.CBI

A good way to reduce the pressure on hospitals is to offer some of their services directly at home.
OPER.CBI students visiting CMS A good way to reduce the pressure on hospitals is to offer some of their services directly at home.

Design the Future x Terraforming 2022

In this workshop, students from UPV/EHU in the Basque country took the first steps be ready for embracing the seemingly impossible!
Design the Future x Terraforming 2022 In this workshop, students from UPV/EHU in the Basque country took the first steps be ready for embracing the seemingly impossible!

CBI A³ 2022

CBI A³ aims to empower students with the mindset and skills to be change makers, imagining and realizing futures that respect humans and the ecological systems we exist in.
CBI A3 creating their cloud chambers at S'Cool LAB CBI A³ aims to empower students with the mindset and skills to be change makers, imagining and realizing futures that respect humans and the ecological systems we exist in.

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