CERN Accelerating science

Innovation knowledge

Collecting and sharing experiences and success

IdeaSquare’s scheme to provide evidence-based results in innovation led it to create the indexed publication CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation (CIJ).

In this short period of time, CIJ has become a publication of reference for thought-provoking, contemporary and experimental innovation research. With CIJ, IdeaSquare aims to harvest and share experimental innovation knowledge using a fresh and varied approach.

Read the CERN IdeaSquare Journal Experimental Innovation

Founded in 2016, CERN’s online journal (CIJ) publishes empirical and theoretical research on the practice of strategic technology and innovation management. It is a multidisciplinary, open, online journal that focuses on in-situ innovation experimentation, strategic innovation management, knowledge transfer and management, and innovation policy issues. CIJ is indexed in Scopus and DOAJ.


Visit the blogs

Besides the academic papers from our learnings, IdeaSquare collects and publishes stories of the innovation process of projects we host or co-ordinate. Take the time to read these in-depth narratives on Ideasquare and the minds that have come through the space.


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