CERN Accelerating science

Prototype profile: 3D-printed polystyrene-based plastic scintillator

3D-printed polystyrene based plastic scintillator

The "3D printed Detector" (3DET) collaboration is investigating and developing additive manufacturing as a new production technique for the future scintillator particle detectors with performances comparable to the state of the art.

Prototype profile: ATLAS Phase II Screwholder

Prototyping makes up one of the key pillars of IdeaSquare. A recent prototype, started in March 2023, aims to make a screwholder for the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade on MDT detectors.
ATLAS Phase II Screwholder Prototyping makes up one of the key pillars of IdeaSquare. A recent prototype, started in March 2023, aims to make a screwholder for the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade on MDT detectors.

Prototype profile: Adjustable Height Table for Wire Bonding

Prototyping makes up one of the key pillars of IdeaSquare. A recent prototype, started in March 2023, is in collaboration with the experimental physics department and BONDLab.
Adjustable Height Table for Wire Bonding Prototyping makes up one of the key pillars of IdeaSquare. A recent prototype, started in March 2023, is in collaboration with the experimental physics department and BONDLab.

IdeaSquare opened its doors for the CERN Community: the start of a new network of people prototyping at CERN?

Last February, IdeaSquare, the innovation space at CERN, opened its doors for a two days event for the internal community. The event offered visitors a unique opportunity to discover our rapid prototyping and multipurpose facilities and to learn how they could get involved.
IdeaSquare Open Doors 2023 Last February, IdeaSquare, the innovation space at CERN, opened its doors for a two days event for the internal community. The event offered visitors a unique opportunity to discover our rapid prototyping and multipurpose facilities and to learn how they could get involved.

Come to our Arduino workshops at IdeaSquare and learn how to use electronic tools for rapid prototyping

Using electronic tools for rapid prototyping, and programming for hardware projects and the big world of Internet-of-Things, is possible if you know how to interface an Arduino. This microcontroller board can represent diverse objects connected to the Internet, for example, traffic lights, air quality monitors, or presence detectors.
Arduino workshop Using electronic tools for rapid prototyping, and programming for hardware projects and the big world of Internet-of-Things, is possible if you know how to interface an Arduino. This microcontroller board can represent diverse objects connected to the Internet, for example, traffic lights, air quality monitors, or presence detectors.

Prototyping profile: Inspection robot for the CMS' cavern

Inspection robot for the LHC

CERN operates the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) the largest particle accelerator ever built. Four main experiments were established on its circumference with the purpose of resolving major scientific enigmas. The general-purpose detector CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) is one of these experiments.

VITO engineers, based at ISOLDE, use IdeaSquare to make custom toolkit

The strong magnetic field means standard steel components cannot be used.
ISOLDE Experiment July 2017 The strong magnetic field means standard steel components cannot be used.

Alignment mechanism for ATLAS/CMS

Engineers use IdeaSquare workshops to prototype a better shock absorber for the largest experiments at CERN.
CMS rotating shielding around beam pipe Engineers use IdeaSquare workshops to prototype a better shock absorber for the largest experiments at CERN.

TERAPET — from CERN physics to cancer therapy


What happens when we apply fundamental science to real-world challenges?


Today, TERAPET is a Swiss medical technology start-up, but the idea did not start off in the business world. Two of the three founders had the idea when working on proton beam technology here at CERN. 

C-Robot used at CLEAR to advance cancer research

C-Robot sample holder

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