CERN Accelerating science

Prototype profile: LHC Vlead Tester Box

LHC Vlead Tester Box

The box, called "LHC Vlead Tester", will be used to test power converters which supply current to superconducting magnets.

Because superconducting magnets are cooled to cryogenic temperatures there is a device called "current lead" that enables the connection of room-temperature conductors to cryogenic conductors. These current leads are critical devices, therefore the voltage across them is monitored by the power converter which will shut down if a certain voltage threshold is reached.

Prototype profile: Design and validation of a safe mechatronic system for the handling of radioactive sources

Safe mechatronic system for the handling of radioactive sources

The LHC tunnel is a highly radioactive environment during the operation of the machine.

Four thousand Beam Loss Monitors (BLMs) are placed along the magnets to ensure no radiation escape. It is essential to verify the proper operation of each of these BLMs before operation to ensure safety.

Prototype profile: ATLAS Forward shielding mock-up for HL-WP8

ATLAS Forward shielding mock-up for HL-WP8

In the context of the Hi-Lumi upgrade, several operations will be done in the region of the interface between the experimental caverns of ATLAS and CMS and the LHC tunnel.

Prototype profile: 3D printed base for Cryogenics CHARM radiation campaign

3D printed base for Cryogenics CHARM radiation campaign

The latest TE-CRG-IC radiation campaign took place during August-September 2023, in CHARM (CERN High energy AcceleRator Mixed field/facility).

Automated tests were running for three weeks, every three hours, sending and receiving signals from the radiated components.

Prototype profile: Affordable and customisable remote-controlled microscope

Affordable and customizable remote-controlled microscope

Digital microscopes are often a useful tool to have in a laboratory.

However, commercially available microscopes are usually either cheap and low quality, or extremely expensive.

The present prototype was designed to provide a middle-ground, offering a remotely controlled microscope of decent quality, at a price well below 500 CHF.

A custom board hosts the drivers and the microcontroller that controls the movement (up to 4 axes). A Raspberry Pi high-quality camera, readout using a Raspberry Pi 4 hosts the web interface and takes care of the image processing.

Prototyping profile: Calibration setup for gamma-ray detectors

Calibration setup for gamma-ray detectors

This setup measures the propagation-angle of gamma-rays from a radioactive source. Mounted on a movable X/Y table, it will be used for the calibration and characterisation of Terapet's gamma-detectors.

The part has been designed from relatively thick laser-cut acrylic sheets. This construction provides better accuracy and robustness compared to a previous design printed from PLA.

Prototype by Michael Betz (Terapet detector development)

Prototyping profile: Alignment mechanism for ATLAS/CMS

Alignment mechanism for ATLAS/CMS

Installed inside the shielding of two of the largest experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, ATLAS and CMS there are special collimators known as the Target Absorbers (TAS).

This equipment needs to be adjusted manually each time the detector opens. In addition to this, the TAS has been modified over the years, meaning that the alignment procedure does not match the procedure that was originally envisaged.

Offering students hands-on skills in hardware and software around the domain of health at the 4th EPS TIG Hands-on Event for Science, Technology and Interfaces

4th EPS TIG Hands-on Event for Science, Technology and Interfaces

Experiments necessitate many hard skills, such as physical understanding of the process, but also a bundle of other skills like know-how in instrumentation, hard- and software and strong teamwork capabilities.

It is to give these skills to students –classically difficult to obtain during studies– that the 4th European Physical Society Technology and Innovation Group's (TIG) Maker Event for Science, Technology and Interfaces was held at IdeaSquare.

Prototype profile: Advanced Heat Exchange Devices (AHEAD)

Prototype profile: Advanced Heat Exchange Devices (AHEAD)

ATTARCT Phase 1 (2019-2020)
SWaP project
: 3D printed metal pipe featuring pressure fittings, electrical feedthrough, and embedded 3D printed sensor Features:

  • Pipe & segments: 3D printed via Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
  • Sensor: 3D printed via Aerosol Jet Printing (AJP)
  • Sensing: fluidic temperature
  • Data transmission: wired


Prototype profile: Liquid Sample Dispensing System for β-NMR Studies in Vacuum

Prototype profile: Liquid Sample Dispensing System for β-NMR Studies in Vacuum

β-NMR has proven its capabilities and advantages in the world of nuclear spectroscopy: Not only does it open the door to high precision measurements of nuclear properties, but it also facilitates investigations of unstable, short-lived isotopes, otherwise inaccessible to conventional NMR. Additionally, β-NMR allows for real-time observations of chemical processes, such as biomolecular folding mechanisms.

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